Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's Going Well

With the exception of this week, no thanks to a bad chest infection, I have been working out 3x/week at an hour and half each class... 

Okay, okay.  So this isnt entirely true.  There was that one Monday, two weeks ago, where I only worked out for 20 minutes but its not my fault the alarm went off and we had to evacuate.  There was a small fire in the room with all the fuse boxes.  30 minutes outside, barefoot and wrapped in a blanket is not my idea of a good time.  Once it was all cleared we had minutes to grab out things and leave.  No changing, no nothing so home I went in a damp bathing suit wearing a sweater over top.  Thank goodness it was the icky one with the skirt bottom.  I would have been waaaaay more self conscience otherwise.  It was still damp when I jumped out of my friends car into mine.  Never in my wildest dreams did I clue in to what that would mean.  damp bathing suit skirt rubbing against legs keeping them moist + a 10 minute car ride with bare backs of thighs on leather seats = and excruciatingly painful exit of the vehicle.  OMG the pain.  I think it was right up there with childbirth.  I was postive that, when I looked at the seat, I would find my skin attatched to it.  Never the less ....

I am feeling great, losing weight and not dieting.  No Weight Watchers.  No Herbal Magic.  Just common sense.  I eat what I want to eat when I want to eat it.  I have super healthy lunches I never took the time to make before.  (week three into school and I have brought lunch every day.  a first...)  I love water.  I have a ginormous cup with lid that I fill with ice and top up with water.  Oh the looks I was getting ....  It holds at least a litre and half to two litres ... and that is with some ice.  I am enjoying the food because I am not under any pressure to eat the food.  Veggies have taken on a new meaning.  The cravings for chips and ice cream isnt there - assumingly because no one is telling me that I CAN'T have it.  It is my choice.  Maybe I am finally ready to make this happen for real this time. 

I am hoping to take some photos of me in my bathing suit (oy vay) but havent gotten around to it yet.  Maybe I will do it on the first of every month to keep it consistent and easy to remember.  I would love to have a visual of myself through the process .... and maybe one day share when I get closer to my goal.  HA!  Maybe one day I will even share this blog!!  lol

Here's to a happy & healthy new life

Sunday, September 12, 2010

And I'm Off...

Here I go again, on the journey to finding a healthier me.  I need to do this.  I am desperate to do this.  I hate being fat and out of shape.  I want to tuck in my shirt without having the hanging belly.  I want to know that I can sit in a plane without having to wedge my ass between the arm rests and ask for a seatbelt extender.  I want to feel thin enough to go on the rides at Calypso without fear of getting stuck in the water tube or being stared at like a beached whale.  (Don't say it wont happen.  It does.  Others do it.  I do it - although not critically but usually out of admiration).  I want to run - not walk - run up a flight of stairs without being winded.  I just want to feel good about myself.  That is all.

After losing 50 lbs last year, I got pregnant (again).  Constant and insatiable needs to eat combined with partial bedrest (go to work, go to bed.  its the weekend .. stay in bed) found the pounds creeping back.  The food was not unhealthy for the most part ... I think it was the lack of activity I was now facing after several months of aquafit classes.  30 lbs later, here I am starting again.  The only thing that is different this time .... I am not alone.

Three times a week, two of my friends and I will drive to Ottawa to take deep water aquafit classes.  I am completely stoked.  I come alive in the water.  I feel so free.  The beauty of the aquafit schedule is that I will be doing 2 - 45 minute classes each time I go.  That is 6 workouts in three days plus wii fit once I get it hooked up on off days.  I am not going to join Weight Watchers as of yet.  I am going to change my eating habits on my own and so far so good.  I brought lunch every day last week and have done all the prep work so that I can throw my lunches together every day this week.  This may seem menial but it is definitely HUGE.  I am the worst when it comes to bringing a lunch. 

Tomorrow I am also going to do an unheard of for me.  I am going to stand tall and take a photo of myself .... in a bathing suit.  ACK!  I will repeat the process on the 13th of every month as to provide myself with a visual incentive.  Maybe one day I will even share it on here .... maybe.

Here we go.  I am going to do it this time.  Not for my husband, not for my family, not for the babies I want to have .... for me!