Monday, January 3, 2011

And I'm Off..

Well it's three days into the new year and I did my first work out of 2011.  After a month of nothing, it felt sooooo good to be in the water again.  Amazing, really. 

I am also pleased to share that my first workout of the year started in a brand spanking new 14 million dollar club.  Now this place is pretty swanky.  It has a coed area and a womans area, with salt water pools in both.  Pilates, anti-gravity yoga, hot yoga, spinning and more.  While I certainly wont be hanging from the ceilings anytime soon, I pan on working my way through as much as I can there.  Aquafit classes, house league sports, spinning.  And all this is included in my membership.  Seriously stoked. 

Did you read that right?  Did I type that right?  Stoked?  Moi?????  About working out?  Who'da thunk, eh?  What is even better is that one of my sweet friends already goes and another is about to join as soon as her current membership expires at the end of the month.  Can it get any better?  Of course!!!  My sister works there so that means random moments shared when we least expect it. 

Next week I have an appointment for a fitness consulation & assessment.  It comes with every new membership and I am a little scared.  I mean, I know I'm extremely out of shape and overweight but there is something about being told you have the body of a 70 year old that scares me.  Ah well ... I'm going to turn that fear into motivation.

Speaking of fear, I was challenged by a friend to do something that I never, ever, EVER would have considered before and, although I am not ready to share quite what that is just yet, I will tell you that I accepted the challenge which again translates into MOTIVATION.  Seriously, what am I thinking?

Here is to a happy and healthy start to 2011. 

1 comment:

  1. YAHOOOOOOOO You can feel the excitement in your post. That place sounds amazing! This is going to be one amazing year!
